Bash Script Writing

In this lab, we will go through

Example scripts used in this lab (.zip)

(Prepared by Helen Chan)


  1. Elements in Bash Scripts
  2. Examples on Content Processing
  3. Exercise
  4. Reference

Elements in Bash Scripts

So far in the last few labs, we have been executing commands inside the Bash shell. To create the simplest Bash script , you may gather a list of commands, put it into a file, e.g., and then execute bash ./

Nevertheless, we can do more than executing commands sequentially and independently, e.g. establish a control flow for automating repeated tasks. Let us learn the basic elements for writing Bash scripts.

Running a script

To run a bash script, you may pass it as an argument to the command bash, e.g. to execute

$ bash ./

Alternatively, we may put a shebang, #!/bin/bash, at the beginning of a script. This shebang tells the OS to use /bin/bash to parse and run the script.

Then, mark the script as executable using chmod (option +x means marking the file as executable, and option a before +x means this change applies to all users"),

$ chmod a+x ./

And the script can be run directly,

$ ./


Global variables

Since there are no data type in Bash script (unlike C), the same variable may hold numbers or characters at different times. Simply define and assign a value to a variable using the syntax [variable name]=[value], e.g.


mystr="hello world"

Beware that spaces are not allowed before or after the assignment operator =.

By default, variables are global and its assigned value are visible to statements that run after the assignment.

To make a variable local, specify local explicitly before the variable name, e.g.

local mynum=315

Other than assigning a value, we may "grow" a variable by appending values using the operator +=, e.g.



and mystr now contains "csci3150".

To retrieve the value of a variable, we use the syntax ${variable name}. The $ means value retrieval, while {} is used to separate the variable name from other characters. The following script shows an example on appending values to a variable, and when {} is necessary.

# grow mystr from 3150 to "3150?" 
echo "Before: ${mystr}"
echo "After: ${mystr}"
# when curly braces are necessary 
echo "${course_code}3150 is a course about OS"

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To declare an empty array myarray,


We may also assign values on declaration as follow, with each value separated by a space,

myarray=("three" 1 "five" 0)

The array index starts from 0 (as in C), so if we want to replace the third item as eight, we can execute


We may add an item with any positive index, e.g.


To get the first item,


To get the whole array,


To get the number of items in the array,


To get the keys used in the array,


Look into and execute which includes examples on the usage listed above.

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Strings can be though as an array of characters, and we may get its length by


Also, the string can be split as if an array, see for an example.

mylongstr="this is a long string"
echo "My string: ${mylongstr}"
echo ""
echo "Number of characters in string: ${#mylongstr}"
echo ""
echo "Splitting my string like an array:"
for word in ${mylongstr[@]}; do
    echo "${word}"
echo ""

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To do simple arithmetic on whole numbers in Bash, you can put the arithmetic expression inside a double parentheses after a dollar sign $(()).

For example, to store the sum of two variables a and b into mysum,

echo "Sum of a=${a} and b=${b} is ${mysum}"

Other than summation, we can do subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and also get the remainder of division (%).

Besides, you can increment/decrement counters using the operator ++ and --, e.g. to increment or decrement variable counter

(( counter++ )), or (( counter-- ))

The $ can be omitted in this case, as we are not retrieving the value. We will find the increment/decrement syntax handy in the examples on loops later on.

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Conditional statements, if ... then ... else ...

The format of "If-then-else" statements in Bash script is as follows:

if expression then statement else statement fi


if expression then statement elif expression then statement else statement fi

Let illustrate the syntax with an example,

if [ $((A)) -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "A equals to 0"
elif [ $((A)) -gt 0 ]; then
  echo "A is greater than 0"
  echo "A is smaller than 0"

which prints "A is greater than 0" for A=1.

Note that we use arithmetic expression on variable A, i.e. $((A)), instead of simply use ${A}. While both ways work when A contains a number, let us look into the difference between the two.

First, we assign an expression to A instead of a number, e.g. replace A=1 with A=1+2+3+4. The script runs correctly without an error, since $((A)) is expanded to $((1+2+3+4)) and is evaluated to 10 when the conditions, $((A)) -eq 0 and $((A)) -gt 0, are checked.

Then, we replace $((A)) with ${A}, and run the script. The script ends up with errors, since the expression 1+2+3+4 is not evaluated when the synxtax is ${A}.

To summarize, $(()) works when A is either a number or an arithmetic expression, while ${} works only when A is a number.

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Useful expressions

Numeric values

and you may refer to the example on conditional statement.


We may check if a variable is empty using -z, e.g.

mystr="This is an OS course"
if [ -z "${mystr}" ]; then
  echo "Ops... the string is empty."
  echo "The string is not empty."

Files and directories

We may check if a file exists and is regular (see definition of regular files) using -f, e.g.

if [ -f example.txt ]; then
  echo "File example.txt exists."
  echo "Ops... example.txt does not exist."

We may also check if a directory exists using -d, e.g. to create directory testdir if it does exists, otherwise report its existence

if [ ! -d testdir ]; then
  mkdir testdir
  echo "Directory testdir exists"

See the GNU manual here for more expressions for files and strings

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The format is

for item in list do statements done

An example,

A=("a" "b" "c")
for i in {1..10}; do
  echo "${i}"
for char in ${A[@]}; do
  echo "${char}"

prints 1 to 10 and then 'a' to 'c', with each number or character on a new line.

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The format is

while expression do statements done

An example,

while [ $((A)) -lt 10 ]; do
  echo $((A))
  (( A++ ))

prints 0 to 9, with each number on a new line.

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Input / output

Input arguments (applies to both functions and scripts)

The input arguments are obtainable from $@.

The number of arguments is obtainable from $#.

To specify the n-th argument, use $n, e.g. first argument is $1.$0 is a special argument that stores the name of the script. For example, this script ( prints the arguments to the script.

echo "You called $0, with"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "no arguments..."
    exit 0
for i in "$@"; do
    (( counter++ ))
    echo "Arg[${counter}]: ${i}"

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Capture stdout of commands

We may capture and store the output of a command to a variable, e.g. to execute the command ls and store the result into the variable output


Note that the syntax $(command) means executing command (which is different from $((expression)) for evaluating arithmetic expressions).

The exit status of the last executed command is always stored in $?.

See the following script,, which includes examples on the above usage,

# capture stdout 
echo ""
echo "Output of ls: ${output}"
# where is the exit status? 
echo ""
haha; echo "haha gives $?";
echo ""
echo "hello_world"; echo "echo gives $?"

Go through a file

We may loop through a file using a while-loop (,

if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
    echo "$0 [file to display]"
    exit 1
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
    echo "Cannot display non-regular files"
    exit 1
while read line; do
  echo "${line}"
done < "$1"

The script prints the file specified as the first input argument, e.g. to print,

$ ./

Except that trailing spaces are trimmed, e.g. indentations before echo and exit (you may compare the output against that from $ cat to see the difference).

The while-loop evaluates read line, with content read (operator <) from the file named in $f. Note that if we omit both the redirection operator (<) and file name, read will read input from standard input stream (stdin) instead.

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The format is

function function_name { statements }

For example in,

function addition {
  result=$(($1 + $2))
function main {
    local a=1
    local b=2
    addition ${a} ${b}
    echo "${a}+${b}=${result}"

we have two functions. The first one named addition adds up the first two input arguments. The second one named main calls addition and prints the result of adding a=1 and b=2.

After executing it, you get "1+2=3" printed.

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Examples on Content Processing

String splitting with IFS

IFS stands for "Internal Field Separator", which is an environment variable that determines boundaries of words, i.e., it contains word delimiters. By default, the delimiters are space, tab, and newline character.

We may change IFS during runtime. For example, to print only words between full-stops (.), we may assign a full-stop to IFS, see

for word in ${mystr[@]}; do
  echo $word
# restore  IFS 
IFS=" "$'\n'$'\t'

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String splitting using awk, and print designated fields

If we want to

  1. split a string "first_name,middle_name,last_name" based on a comma (,), and
  2. print only "first_name" and "last_name" with a space in between

we may use the command awk as follows

$ echo "first_name,middle_name,last_name" | awk -F',' '{print $1" "$3}'

This command first pipes the string output by echo as the input of awk. Then, awk takes the character specified after the option -F as a delimiter to break the string. awk prints the first field ($1) and the third field ($3), with a space (" ") in between.

Given a comma separated value (csv) file data.csv, we may list only the first and third column of the file using the following script,

while read line; do
  echo "${line}" | awk -F',' '{print $1" "$3}'
done < data.csv

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Counting lines, words, and characters, wc

wc allows us to count characters (with option -c), words (with option -w) and lines (with option -l). It goes through files when they are provided. Otherwise, it processes input from stdin.

For example in,

for f in "$@"; do
    wc -l ${f}
    while read line; do
        (( counter ++ ))
        chars=$(echo -n ${line} | wc -c)
        words=$(echo -n ${line} | wc -w)
        echo "Line $((counter))${chars} chars, ${words} words"
    done < "${f}"

files are accepted as input arguments. For each file, the script prints the total number of lines together with the file name, followed by the number of characters and words in each line. Note the option -n suppresses echo from adding a newline character at the end of a string.

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  1. Run and study the difference between global variables (global1 and global2) and local variables (local1)

Content processing

  1. How to print each matching phrase on a newline using grep?
  2. Write a script to output a summary on a set of files in csv format. The set of files are given as input arguments. Each line shows (1) the file name, (2) the total number of characters, (3) the total number of words, and (4) the total number of lines, in a file
  3. How to modify the script in this example to avoid trailing spaces being trimmed? (or think about why the spaces are "trimmed" in the first place? :) )

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